After the thrill of finally passing some exams first time, I have moved on to my Senior Rotation in Obs and Gynae. Can't believe I am a final year student.
If any doctors are reading this, I would love your thoughts on something. Before starting out in Medicine, I assumed that in the final year, I would know loads of stuff and be able to manage reasonably well on a ward. Now I am here, I don't feel like I know enough. I know a bit about a lot of stuff, but am in no way the competent student that I thought I would be in my final year. I know I am not the brightest of students, but I look at the cleverer ones around me and see that they also look a little lost.
If there are any doctors reading - when does it all click into place? And do you have any advice for the final year?
* A Hidden Life*
“for the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric
acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they mi...
2 weeks ago
Hi - I'm a 1st Year Med Reg now. And when does it all click into place? I'd say around SHO years!
Seriously - it will all come together in the first few weeks on the wards.
Hi I hope this is ok, but your post inspired me to write a post of my own on the subject.
Good luck
*fingers crossed*
If it's any consolation, I'm a final year GEP student and I don't have a bloody clue either!
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