Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Strange Week......

This is my last full week of work and it feels very strange. I am one of those boring people who hates trying new things and loves routine and I have got up the same time, gone to the same job and got home the same time every working day for ten years. Although my title still has the word "Nurse" in it somewhere, my job is office based in a large manufacturing mill which makes toilet rolls and tampons (Rock and Roll)

My new life is going to be a challenge (Hmmm - Understatement) and I just can't imagine not having to go to my two jobs anymore. In fact, I would have thought that I would be a hysterical wreck this week, but I have been strangely calm. I think this is denial! Wait for the weeping, wailing post next week.


I have told very few people that I am leaving so I'm happily wandering along telling everyone that I will see them next week. My reasons for not telling people is the denial thing but also that I am worried about what people will think of me. I have this horrible feeling that I am not going to belong anywhere - the nurses will think I have decided I am too good for nursing (Absolutely untrue) and the doctors will think I am this nurse who has ideas above her station. I also think that what I am doing is quite unusual ( I don't know any nurses who became doctors) and so as people are finding out, I am finding that they all have a viewpoint. I have so many doubts about what I am doing (Leaving my sick dad, dogs, husband, secure job) that I don't need to hear anyone else's doubts. Phew - getting a bit deep and meaningful there!

On a lighter note, I am looking for a little job to help out the money side of things and went for an interview yesterday with a local GP "Out of hours" centre. WHAT A NIGHTMARE! I got lost and so arrived a little late. As soon as I arrived, they gave me a card and told me to sit down for ten minutes and read it through. The card read:

"Mr Jones 72 rings you up at 1145 on a Friday night to say he has had abdo pain for 72 hours which is now getting worse"
  1. What clinical history would you take?
  2. What treatment would you recommend i.e. Does he need to be seen?

Looking at this now, it looks very straightforward but after trawling in my car for an hour and a half, my head was spinning. My first thought was "They think I am coming for the doctors job, not the nurses job" My second was to bolt for the door but it had a keypad lock on it so there was no escaping! (I had an Ally McBeal moment, imagining me smashing the door down with a fire extinguisher)

You know sometimes when you have had a cringeworthy experience and you get flashes of what you said, coming back over the next few days? That is where I am at now. I absolutely sucked!

They asked me what my differential diagnosis would be (I bit my lip to stop myself from saying that I would ask the nearest doctor) They then asked me what I knew about the medical centre where I wanted to work - which is called "Flintdoc". I had not done my homework and so actually knew very little apart from that this was where you telephoned when your GP had gone home for the day. Instead of smiling sweetly and admitting this, I came up with the answer of all answers....."The centre supports the community of Flint" CRINGE.....


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! God, if you work in a tampon factory, I'm not surprised you want to escape.

I started medschool at the age of 42, three years ago and it took me a few months to settle in - I kept expecting to be back at my job.

Student in Scotland said...

It makes me feel good to see that people are getting into medicine in their 30s and 40s. I am 24 ans have a year to go before I finish my Nursing Ordinary Degree. I have a 2:2 in psychology but I dont think I can possibly afford to apply to an English uni with the new fees comming in so I am aiming for topping up to a Bsc (hons) and applying to a Scottish Uni.
I still have no idea how to fund myself through this so no doubt I will have to wait until I am in my 30s and have saved enough money to achieve my dream. I am glad you have passed your finals Anna.
I guess I have found this blog a bit late in the day but I am reading with interest.

About Me

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I knew I wanted to study medicine from 5 minutes into my nurse training in 1992. This didn't go down too well with my peers but it has taken me eleven years to get my life in a place where I could apply to medical school, so I have paid my nursing dues! I was lucky enough to get two offers. I have been married for seven years to an ex footballer who is now a PE teacher. We have no plans for babies but I would love more King Charles Spaniels. I start medicine on September 20th 2006 and am absolutely petrified.